In order to submit your track, you’ll need join us on Telegram and ask the community for a SURFART token.
To publish in the Directory, you will need to sacrifice a SURFART , only after your track is approved
Submit Your Surf Art
For ALL submissions please use
DIMENSIONS: The aspect ratios for files should be 1:1 (e.g. 800×800)
FILE SIZE: Tracks uploaded to the site should be no greater than 10MB.
ISSUANCE: Prior to submission please ensure your asset is LOCKED.
Divisible tokens are NOT accepted
Issuance of assets between 10 and 250 accepted.
ARTWORK/ASSET: Please note the following: NSFW content, websites or QR codes are not acceptable.
Artwork and Asset names must not be in another series or collection.
No sharing or advertising your submission until voting has commenced.
No giveaways until after you have been notified that your art has been accepted into the directory.
SUBMISSIONS: Only 1 submission per artist per series will be accepted. Unless part of a collaboration.
A total of three rounds of drops will occur in each series.
How To Get Started
What you will need: Create a Counterparty asset to associate with your Surfart submission. This should take no more than ten minutes and will cost 0.5 XCP plus a nominal amount of bitcoin for the mining fee.
Check our Knowledge page or ask for help on our Telegram
NOTE: Please don’t destroy your SURFART until asked to do so… once your submission is accepted, someone will give you further instructions on the sacrifice. You can destroy the token by using the desktop application.